A strange name for a brand you say?

In a nutshell, “best plan - no plan” is my personal mantra. Socrates said: "I know that I know nothing." And I know that the best in life happens when you let go of all expectations.

Do you know the expression: "Do good and throw it in the sea?" That's about the same with me with plans - to formulate an intention, mentally write it on a piece of paper, fold an airplane out of it, and launch it towards the horizon, letting go of all expectations.

Just don't think that it means doing nothing. Quite the opposite - to do what I like and to enjoy the process of creation, without expectations. The meaning of the last stanza - “Koh Phangan” - is the name of the magic island I live on, together with many incredible and free-spirited people from all over the world.

More strange or even mystical is how this name came to me … but that is another story.

What does all this mean anyway?

What or who is this collection about?

And what do I want to say in this project?

I don't like talking about myself. I'll start with the latter, although it is painful, because, according to the teachings of Lao Ji, everything named ceases to be eternal immediately after it receives a name. Yes, and there is nothing more stupid than talking about yourself because, when talking about ourselves, we can only talk about the past.

In brief: I knew how to design a fashion line because I did for 10 years for a European fashion house, and I know how to customize a look for different body shapes and personalities because I did that for 10 years as a personal stylist in Europe.

I will blog about the life of the project, new ideas, as well as the practical aspects of how create your own a style. I really hope that some of you will find answers to your questions here. Or even better - if you ask your own questions and we will try to find the answers together.

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