Somehow, my sublime sadness during this pandemic time motivated this post-punk mood collection.
To me, punk as a style is forever the symbol of sincerity, freedom, and hope. It’s my personal, post-modern nostalgia.

We are pleased to present this sexy unisex collection to the gender fluid community with hopes for its success; more importantly, we hope to open a dialogue with sexually open-minded clients regarding their visions for their own personal image. It's an open, ongoing project, and we look forward to your feedback. As an expert in the field of styling, I understand the need to take personal parameters into account for an optimal result.

I will be happy to help you navigate your optimal choice of silhouette solutions, fabrics, patterns, and colors. We are also available for exclusive items or stories made at our workshop - according to your personal preferences. This process of the creation of individual work will serve as a source of inspiration for us to develop new pieces for our open collection.

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