From our first day, we made an absolute heartfelt commitment: only natural fibers. Every piece you touch is individually crafted from all-natural materials. It is a promise we make with joy and devotion. No synthetic fabrics ever. To our way of thinking, just as polluting the ocean with plastic is unhealthful, so is covering your body with health-hazardous materials. We just say "NO" to synthetic clothing.
How to dress in a tropical climate
From our first day, we made an absolute heartfelt commitment: only natural fibers. Every piece you touch is individually crafted from all-natural materials. It is a promise we make with joy and devotion. No synthetic fabrics ever. To our way of thinking, just as polluting the ocean with plastic is unhealthful, so is covering your body with health-hazardous materials. We just say "NO" to synthetic clothing.
How to dress in a tropical climate

We believe that a smaller number of personalized garments made from natural fabrics helps you magnify your inner light. As a professional stylist and designer who knows the fashion industry from the inside, Elena is convinced there’s no need to overfill your wardrobe. Why not invest in specially designed clothes rather than mass produced lookalike outfits? More efficient, more sustainable, more love, more comfort. We get the appeal of discount retail shopping. And yet, mass produced clothing devalues individuality, inhibits self-realization, and creates prejudices about how our wardrobe should look or how big it should be. We believe there is another, better way.
How We Came to Love (and Regret) Mass Fashion
We believe that a smaller number of personalized garments made from natural fabrics helps you magnify your inner light. As a professional stylist and designer who knows the fashion industry from the inside, Elena is convinced there’s no need to overfill your wardrobe. Why not invest in specially designed clothes rather than mass produced lookalike outfits? More efficient, more sustainable, more love, more comfort. We get the appeal of discount retail shopping. And yet, mass produced clothing devalues individuality, inhibits self-realization, and creates prejudices about how our wardrobe should look or how big it should be. We believe there is another, better way.
How We Came to Love (and Regret) Mass FashionTRUTH AND AUTHENTICITY
By being ourselves and living these values, we attract beautiful people: our customers, our friends, the audience that shares our priorities and supports our endeavors. From our beloved Koh Phangan, a small magical island in the Gulf of Thailand, we promise to seek a different way of creating and sharing beautiful garments and inviting you to come along with us. So, we are not going to flood you with marketing emails or barrage you with Instagram posts to get your attention. We believe that you are already by our side if these values resonate deeply with you. We are saying a huge "NO" not only to mass produced culture and fashion, but to mundane matters like SEO texts and other synthetic information that pollutes our minds and hearts.
Best Plan - No Plan - Koh Phangan
By being ourselves and living these values, we attract beautiful people: our customers, our friends, the audience that shares our priorities and supports our endeavors. From our beloved Koh Phangan, a small magical island in the Gulf of Thailand, we promise to seek a different way of creating and sharing beautiful garments and inviting you to come along with us. So, we are not going to flood you with marketing emails or barrage you with Instagram posts to get your attention. We believe that you are already by our side if these values resonate deeply with you. We are saying a huge "NO" not only to mass produced culture and fashion, but to mundane matters like SEO texts and other synthetic information that pollutes our minds and hearts.
Best Plan - No Plan - Koh Phangan
Atelier on Koh Phangan Island, Thailand

Pronounced “ah-TEL-ee-yay,” the word atelier is a French term meaning "workshop" or "artist’s studio." Ateliers were a standard vocational practice for European artists from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. A principal “master” artist would work with several assistants, students, and apprentices to produce fine works of art in a range of disciplines. Visit our “slow fashion” boutique and co-create your personal aesthetic in our Koh Phangan, Thailand atelier.
More About Our Phangan AtelierNo Labels - Just Love - Gender Fluid Project

In today`s world altering gender is so easy but nobody knows what kind of difficulties people meet walking this way. A lot of self work is done and a lot drowns in deepest waters of subconsciousness. We truly believe that no labels are required to be yourself. In each one of us there are female and male energies that day after day may be expressed differently. We would like to support gender fluid community by helping them to express themselves through fashion.
No Labels - Just Love